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Showing posts from November, 2019

Pelican for Islah bint Abbas ibn Habib Iban Hassa

A Pelican for Islah bint Abbas ibn Habib Iban Hassa, in the form of an Ottoman Ferman: When this exalted Imperial cipher is read aloud, be it known that Islah bint Abbas ibn Habibi Iban Hassa, skilled in diverse arts of service, noble of bearing, faithful subject of the East, shall be named a Pelican of the Society. We, Sultan Ozurr & Sultana Fortune of the Eastern Realm, have commanded that the afore named be given all the rights befitting a Pelican, arms by letters patent as well as the responsibility to act in the manner of a peer, with courtesy and respect for all peoples. We so command that this be accomplished forthwith, on this day 9th Day of September A.S LIV at Our Divan at Ducal Challenge. Word Count: 112 Commentary: My research is on 16th century Ottoman Texts. Islah is considerably earlier than that. As result, I removed some of the language that would suggest that this comes from that era. Documentation about legal documents of the Seljuq Empire is a little more scan...

OGR for Gregori Montana

Considering the art of the blade is grounded upon offense and defense, both of which are practiced in the straight and circular lines, for that a man may not otherwise strike or defend. And because, the knowledge of the manner and time to strike and defend, does of itself teach us the skill how to reason and dispute thereof only, and the end and scope of this Art consists not in reasoning, but in doing [[: therefore to him that is desirous to prove so cunning in this Art, as is needful, it is requisite not only that he be able to judge, but also that he be strong and active to put in execution all that which his judgment comprehends and sees. And this may not be done without strength and activity of body]]. Moreover, because this art is a principle member of the military profession, which altogether is the ornament of all the world, therefore it ought not to be exercised in brawls and at fairs, but as members of the Order of the Golden Rapier conduct themselves, namely, to exercise it ...

AOAs for Ibraham and Nesrin

AOAs for Ibraham and Nesrin Ibrahim A jewel of great worth is Alman Ibrahim He succeeds as if good luck were part of him; Sitting curia for Ravensdale Stronghold, His words are wise, his judgement is manifold. The Shah’s court speak well of him in poem and prose, His good name has pleased our regal Eastern Rose. Thus, on this (number) day of (month), Anno Societatis (year), We, Wilhelm & Vienna, Köenig and Könegin of the East Kingdom, are moved to Award unto him Arms to be borne by him alone: (arms if any). Done by Our hand at (event name) in Our (name of host group). Nesrin Like a rose whose petals opened overnight, Like a diamond which transforms the dark to light Our Nesrin Bint Suleyman opens her heart And welcomes newcomers to practice their art. Far her fame has spread, a welcome desert pool. The Shah holds her as a  precious national jewel. Thus, on this (number) day of (month), Anno Societatis (year), We, Wilhelm & Vienna, Köenig and Könegin of...