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Showing posts from August, 2018

A Master of Defense Scroll for Sorcha Dhocair

My friend Sorcha Dhocair had been given a writ for the Masters of Defense, and she was scheduled to be elevated at court at Pennsic 47. Was asked by Myrun Leifsdottir if I would do the words. She showed me the work in progress, which blew me away. We talked about potential sources and I asked about word court. Myrun said "However many you want". This... no. You do not tell that to a wordsmith. Everything goes to hell. She promised me she had a small hand. I told her I would limit myself to 250 words, and then I was bad and went to 268. Text of MoD Scroll: Hear the words of Brennan and Caoilfhionn, Basileus & Bassilissa of the glorious East Kingdom unto their servant Sorcha Dhocair upon her Elevation to the Order of Defense: Wherefore, you young branch of this noble art, unto you I do make this earnest request, that you will bestow all your idle time, which too many spend in frivolous company and in drunkenness, in giving good counsel unto such young people as do frequen...