An Ottoman Berāt in the form of a mülk (a land grant) This is the command of the noble, exalted, lofty sultinic sign and the illustrious, world-conquering khakanic tuğra… may it be effective through Divine aid and Eternal protection! Heed the mighty words of the Sultan Ozur and Sultana Fortune: We have commanded that Our warrior, Midir of Quintavia, having pleased us on the tournament field with the skill of his sword, be inducted into the Order of the Silver Rapier, and be granted a plot of land in Quinitavia, wooded and fertile with large stones. This command, thus given in writing, must therefore be enacted before the sun has set on this day, the 27th of April in the 53rd year of the Society, from Our Dīvān at Balfar’s Challenge. Commentary: Relying on my original research, I was able to create an AOA level fighting award for a gentleman who starting coming to my regular rapier practice. At the time we thought his persona was Turkish, and so when the assignment...
Research and musings of a SCAdian