All models are wrong, some are useful -George E.P. Box It's been a hot minute (ok, not really a minute, more like a long and agonizing 3 year Pandemic) since I offered an SCA Value Map. I have a couple of updates coming in light of the most recent Board of Directors meeting (April 2023). Additionally, I wish to support of Master Aeron Harper/ David Biggs' work on improper sanctions handed down by the Board: A Tale of 6 Sanctions And Mistress Iselda de Narbonne/ Alexandra Evans' petition to the BoD to restructure the organization. First: Context for this article In September of 2020 I offered some professional insight on the value of a paid SCA membership during the time period when the SCA was struggling with not being able to attend events in person. At the same time the Board of Directors asked it's participants to buy paid memberships. I did an analysis of what the "Pre-pandemic" and "Current Pandemic" value of an SCA member...
Research and musings of a SCAdian