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Showing posts from September, 2022

Lorenzo Gorla's Elevation Words for his Pelican

 Lorenzo,  Shall I compare thee to a chatelaine?  Thou art more stalwart and more clement.  Rough demos used to teach and entertain Stirs the soul with sword and flying pennant.  Sometimes too hot the eye of heaven shines, Sometimes too wet, too dark, with sun bedimmed, But every faire thy gen’rous teaching signs new Eastern fencers who can kill… or limb. Despite thy fearsome skill with pen and blade, Thy secret heart protects a gentle spirit  As all the Roses in this court arrayed Attest thy courtesy that each may hear it.  For what is clear for any eye to see This man’s a more than worthy peer to me. ------------- I could not attend my friend's elevation this past weekend.  Lorenzo was awarded his Pelican for his service in running SCA demos and recruiting new people. He had asked his Pelican, Alys Mackyntoich if I could speak for him for the Rose. As I was reviewing his body of work, and while thinking of the fact he had a 16th Century persona, the line "Shall I compare the

A MoD for Sir Matthias Grunwald

 Whenever you earnestly want to fight with Matthias Grunwald then observe how you arrange a duel with him and at which hour. Afterward, equip yourself with everything according to need, and do this yourself in secret. And tell no one what you have in mind, because your courage might fail you. And equip your gloves according to your advantage with everything, sword and gambeson, hose, and whatever you then want to use. And consider, possibly, canceling this duel, as he is a master of defense and you can still legally withdraw from fighting him if you want. R’you and Indrakshi, the good crowns, affirm the truth of that, and make Matthias a member of the Order of Defense on the year of the Society 57, at the Pennsic War.    (129 words) Process Notes:  We had 3 weeks to get this peerage scroll done. I was teamed up with Baroness Keziah who needed to do both the calligraphy and illumination.  Because Matthias’ persona is German, I wanted to do something from the German fencing manuals.  I h