This post is a continuation of the work I started in 2020 on the subject of demonstrating the value of Membership in the SCA. If you have read all my work before, or if you are also a Business Architect, read on. If you are coming to this discussion for the first time, start with Part 1 or you will be hopelessly lost. If you choose not to start at the beginning, at least watch this video I made about the first Value Map to explain how to read it. Part 1: A Value Map for SCA Membership Part 2: But Meggie, what does this all mean? Part 3: Updated Value Map for SCA Membership: 2023 This is Part 4. As an SCA we are notoriously bad at defining terms, and since we often use the term "member" to mean "person who shows up at SCA events" and also "Someone who has paid a membership fee". It will become important to this discussion to be clear what kind of "member" we are talking about. I have already defined both these types of "members' in t
Research and musings of a SCAdian