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Showing posts from March, 2019

Chivalry Scroll for Sterling de la Rosa

Most fearsome warrior, most honored counselor, source of all good order in the world, administrator of the affairs of war and of right thinking. When this exalted Imperial cipher is read aloud, be it known that Sterling de la Rosa, noble of bearing, skilled in diverse arts of the blade, faithful subject of the East, shall be named a Knight of the Society. We, Sultan Wilhelm & Sultana Vienna of the Eastern Realm, have commanded that the afore named be given all the rights befitting a knight, arms by letters patent  (arms information here) as well as the responsibility to defend the weak and helpless, and to act in the manner of a peer, with courtesy and respect for all peoples, even the enemies that stand before the East. We so command that this be accomplished forthwith, on this day 30th Day of March in the 53rd Year of our Society, at Our Divan at Mudthaw. Commentary: Sterling has a 16th Century Ottoman persona, so I researched Ottoman Court documents to try to arrive at a...