Harun's glass gaze reflects the beloved East, Shows the Rose the beauty of her face, Folding and unfolding, without surcease. Such a jewel of service deserves Our Royal grace, Crown awards in court; a Silver Wheel, released. Such a jewel of service deserves Our Royal grace, folding and unfolding, without surcease. Show the Rose the beauty of her face; Harun's glass gaze reflects the beloved East. Ryouko'jin, Demon King of the Three Heavens, and Rani Indrakshi, award a Silver Wheel to Harun al-Najm al-Shirazi at Pennsic War in the year of the Blue Tyger, AS 57 - - - - - - - - - - Harun al-Najm al-Shirazi for a Silver Wheel https://wiki.eastkingdom.org/wiki/Harun_al-Najm_al-Shirazi Harun is a photographer. He is receiving his Silver wheel for service to the East in documenting our events, and in particular taking stunning portrait photography, especially of our current king and queen. Writing a period style poem for a photographer is tricky, as it is not a thing that
Research and musings of a SCAdian