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Showing posts from August, 2021

Court Barony on Copper for Pakshalika Kananbala

  [ Additional Photos ] Siddham!  Success to you! Victorious is the race of Eastern Kings, and long the line of its forebearers; 105 generations of Kings.  Grandparents, Ozur, bringer of the rain, and Fortune of the 1,000 blessings, Mother Margarita, stronger than an iron lotus, who birthed twin tigers of valor, Tindal and Alberic, who reign wisely during an epoch of peace.  They honor, address and command all who have gathered together, nobility, kingdom ministers, advisors, governors of regions, as well as servants of the king, to know that a court barony is to be given to Pakshalika Kananbala.  She is worthy to be rewarded as an example for good people, possessing a personal appearance that is commended, having an undisturbed mind, and versed in the three Vedas. Given by the Kings on the occasion of Their Court, in the time of the new moon during the summer heat, AS 56, consisting of a village near Concordia of the Snows, and a great field of puti-grass flank...