County Scroll for Ivan: I was King's Bard for Ivan, so I was pleased to be asked to craft the words for his County. Mistress Eva Woderose and Duchess Thyra Eiriksdottir were the artists on the piece. They gave me a word count (125 to 150 words), a due date and the source text they were working with. The design had a large capital illumination as the first letter, which required open space in the middle. They suggested that the text of the scroll start with either a P, D, O, Q, C, G or U. TEXT OF COUNTY SCROLL: Brennan & Caoilfhionn, Emperor & Empress of the Eastern Realm, to whom these Letters Patent shall come, Greeting. Know that We of Our especial grace, certain knowledge and mere motion do by these letters advance, create and prefer Our right trusty and entirely beloved cousin Ivan Ivanov syn Dimitriov vynuk Tzardikov to the style, dignity, title, and honor of Jarl of the Society, and by these letters patent do dignify, invest and...
Research and musings of a SCAdian