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County Scroll for Ivan:

I was King's Bard for Ivan, so I was pleased to be asked to craft the words for his County.  Mistress Eva Woderose and Duchess Thyra Eiriksdottir were the artists on the piece.  They gave me a word count (125 to 150 words), a due date and the source text they were working with. The design had a large capital illumination as the first letter, which required open space in the middle.  They suggested that the text of the scroll start with either a P, D, O, Q, C, G or U. 


Brennan & Caoilfhionn, Emperor & Empress of the Eastern Realm, to whom these Letters Patent shall come, Greeting.
Know that We of Our especial grace, certain knowledge and mere motion do by these letters advance, create and prefer Our right trusty and entirely beloved cousin Ivan Ivanov syn Dimitriov vynuk Tzardikov to the style, dignity, title, and honor of Jarl of the Society, and by these letters patent do dignify, invest and ennoble him by putting a coronet of gold on his head that he may enjoy and use all the rights, privileges pre-eminences, immunities and advantages to the degree which Jarls of the Society do at present use and enjoy.
No person shall raise objections to it either in whole or in part. Whoever transgresses or causes another to transgress or raises any objection so as to annul it as a whole or in part shall be declared anathema in accordance with Our judgement.
Done the Nth day of April ANNO SOCIETATIS 53 on the Day of our Coronation in the Shire of Quintavia

Ok. Without the Done this Day part it is 153 words. If you take some of the ands and make them "&"s then you can shorten it a little more.
If you want to use the C instead of the B for the initial Initial, then make Her first and Him second, and swap "Empress & Emperor" for "Emperor & Empress".
Since Ivan crowned her first, it would be 100% appropriate to make C first instead of B.  
Let me know if you want it shorter.  I could easily shorten it by taking out the whole "No Person" section, but I absolutely adore that section and it is the part that came out of the Spanish Jewish Synod source and I desperately want to keep it.

No man shall raise objections to it either in whole or in part. Whoever transgresses or causes another to transgress or raises any objection so as to annul it as a whole or in part shall be declared anathema (and excommunicate) in accordance with our judgement since this ordinance was established by the authority given the worthy KING & QUEEN’S NAMES
Know ye that of our especiall grace, certaine science and meere motion, we have given and granted, and by these presents for us, our heires and successours, doe give and graunt to our trustie and welbeloved servaunt Sir Humphrey Gilbert of Compton,
And further that the said IVAN NAME, shall haue holde, occupie, and enioye to him, all the soile of all such lands, territories, and Countreis, so to bee discovered and possessed as aforesaide, and of all such Cities, castles, townes, villages, and places in the same, with the right, royalties, franchises, and iurisdictions, with full power to dispose thereof, and of euery part in fee-simple or otherwise, according to the order of the lawes of THE EAST, ….


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