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A MoD for Sir Matthias Grunwald

 Whenever you earnestly want to fight with Matthias Grunwald then observe how you arrange a duel with him and at which hour. Afterward, equip yourself with everything according to need, and do this yourself in secret. And tell no one what you have in mind, because your courage might fail you. And equip your gloves according to your advantage with everything, sword and gambeson, hose, and whatever you then want to use. And consider, possibly, canceling this duel, as he is a master of defense and you can still legally withdraw from fighting him if you want.

R’you and Indrakshi, the good crowns, affirm the truth of that, and make Matthias a member of the Order of Defense on the year of the Society 57, at the Pennsic War.   

(129 words)

Process Notes: 

We had 3 weeks to get this peerage scroll done. I was teamed up with Baroness Keziah who needed to do both the calligraphy and illumination.  Because Matthias’ persona is German, I wanted to do something from the German fencing manuals.  I hit up Master Donnovan Shinnok, OD, who had just gotten his laurel for research in period rapier, and he pointed me to the page.  I settled quickly on the Talhoffer manuscript, and then I gave her 3 options for the wording of the scroll, a longer one, a slightly shorter one, and then a 3rd version that made me laugh.  I know Matthias very well, and the idea of running away from a fight with him being a legal action  (he is *very good*) seemed appropriate.

She picked option 3. 

The Calligraphy and Illumination she adapted from another German Manuscript, the Goliath Fechtbuch, folio 54v

I will tell you we had to talk ourselves out of doing Folio 217V, which shows a kick to the junk. 

Like… really really had to talk ourselves out of doing that one.  We spent almost 3 days of our 3 weeks struggling NOT to do it.

Matthias told us afterward he would have welcomed that.  

Ah well, missed opportunities for re-enactments.  

The image in this post is the Kick in the Junk option not taken.

Think I am personally most pleased that the heralds were fighting each other to read my words in court, so… I will take that as a win. 

Option 1: 

One notices, if a nobleman has an agreement that he is provoked to a duel, or provokes one, then he should remember to take a master who could prepare him for the fight, and is from the master to be sworn that he faithfully shares with him his art, and not tell his secrets or the tricks which he teaches. One such master is Matthias Grunewald. He strives after integrity, takes great pains in his knightly practices, throwing апd pushing stones, dancing апd jumping, fencing, wrestling апd courting beautiful women.

R’you and Indrakshi, the good crowns, affirm the truth of that, and make Matthias a member of the Order of Defense on the year of the Society 57, at the Pennsic War.    (122 words)

Option 2 : Shorter version….

One notices, if a nobleman has an agreement that he is provoked to a duel, or provokes one, then he should remember to take a master who could prepare him for the fight. One such master is Matthias Grunewald. He strives after integrity, takes great pains in his knightly practices, throwing апd pushing stones, dancing апd jumping, fencing, wrestling апd courting beautiful women.

R’you and Indrakshi, the good crowns, affirm the truth of that, and make Matthias a member of the Order of Defense on the year of the Society 57, at the Pennsic War.  (95 words)

Notes and Source Material: 

Wiki Entry: 

Souce: Talhoffer:   Option 3. Options 1 and 2.


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