Considering the art of the blade is grounded upon offense and defense, both of which are practiced in the straight and circular lines, for that a man may not otherwise strike or defend.
And because, the knowledge of the manner and time to strike and defend, does of itself teach us the skill how to reason and dispute thereof only, and the end and scope of this Art consists not in reasoning, but in doing [[: therefore to him that is desirous to prove so cunning in this Art, as is needful, it is requisite not only that he be able to judge, but also that he be strong and active to put in execution all that which his judgment comprehends and sees. And this may not be done without strength and activity of body]].
Moreover, because this art is a principle member of the military profession, which altogether is the ornament of all the world, therefore it ought not to be exercised in brawls and at fairs, but as members of the Order of the Golden Rapier conduct themselves, namely, to exercise it for the advantage of their country, for the conquering of armies and for the honor of the crown.
Mindful of these noble truths do We, Margarita, Queen of the East Kingdom, induct our loyal servant Gregori Rogue Montana into the Order of the Golden Rapier at the Crown & Queen's Rapier Tournament, A.S. LIV.
I have marked the section of the text that is optional between brackets [[OPTIONAL TEXT]]
Without the [[ ]] section it is 177 words.
With the [[ ]] section it is 236 words.
At the time I did not know how many words the scribe was willing to do, or how much space was left on the scroll, so I gave them a couple of options.
Words modeled on Giacomo di Grassi's His True Arte of Defence, from the English translation dated to 1594, and modernized into proper 2019 spelling. Montana is studying Di Grassi, per his Master, Remy.
And because, the knowledge of the manner and time to strike and defend, does of itself teach us the skill how to reason and dispute thereof only, and the end and scope of this Art consists not in reasoning, but in doing [[: therefore to him that is desirous to prove so cunning in this Art, as is needful, it is requisite not only that he be able to judge, but also that he be strong and active to put in execution all that which his judgment comprehends and sees. And this may not be done without strength and activity of body]].
Moreover, because this art is a principle member of the military profession, which altogether is the ornament of all the world, therefore it ought not to be exercised in brawls and at fairs, but as members of the Order of the Golden Rapier conduct themselves, namely, to exercise it for the advantage of their country, for the conquering of armies and for the honor of the crown.
Mindful of these noble truths do We, Margarita, Queen of the East Kingdom, induct our loyal servant Gregori Rogue Montana into the Order of the Golden Rapier at the Crown & Queen's Rapier Tournament, A.S. LIV.
I have marked the section of the text that is optional between brackets [[OPTIONAL TEXT]]
Without the [[ ]] section it is 177 words.
With the [[ ]] section it is 236 words.
At the time I did not know how many words the scribe was willing to do, or how much space was left on the scroll, so I gave them a couple of options.
Words modeled on Giacomo di Grassi's His True Arte of Defence, from the English translation dated to 1594, and modernized into proper 2019 spelling. Montana is studying Di Grassi, per his Master, Remy.
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